Dirk Raeppold
DEADEND is an exhibition that presents a difficult reality that has turned violence into the language of daily life. This language threatens the existence of human society.
Curator: Raphie Etgar
Curator: Raphie Etgar
DEADEND is an exhibition that presents a difficult reality that has turned violence into the language of daily life. This language threatens the existence of human society.
DEADEND is an exhibition that presents a difficult reality that has turned violence into the language of daily life. This language threatens the existence of human society. DEADEND is the first in a series of changing exhibitions planned by the Museum on the Seam that will deal with socio-political issues that engage us as individuals and as a society that aspires to live side by side in thoughtfulness and mutual respect. The exhibition raises tough questions in the face of a variety of expressions of violence and calls on the visitor to examine his own path and not to stand idly by, passively watching what is happening.
Miki Karzman, Israel
Han Yang, China
Uriel Miron, Israel
Karen Kipphoff, Norway
Joram Rozov, Israel
David Maestro, Israel
Dirk Raepphold, Germany
Aliza Olmert, Israel
Jan Svankmajer, Czech Republic
Gary Goldstein, Israel
Manar Zuabi, Israel
Shirley Faktor, Israel
David Reeb, Israel
Assam Abu-Shakra, Israel
Raphie Etgar, Israel
Lejla Bulja, Bosnia Herzegovina
William Kentridge, South Africa
Michal Rovner, Israel
Sharon Poliakine, Israel
Sharon Etgar, Israel
Mark Berghash, USA
Dani Rosin, USA
Cristoph & Wolfgang Lauenstein, Germany